
  • Fix minor syntax issues in help pages.

New Features

  • Add aperm() and t() for list-environment arrays.

  • parse_env_subset() gained argument is_variable to control whether or not the inferred element named should be checked if it is a valid variable name.


  • All warning and error messages are now translatable.

Deprecated and Defunct

  • map() is formally deprecated; use mapping() instead.

  • Dropped the defunct usage of listenv(length = n), meaning it no longer gives an error but instead produces a listenv with an element named length.

Signficant Changes

  • S3 method lengths() for listenv is no longer exported.

New Features

  • Made several error messages more informative. The downside is that those messages are no longer translated (because they are no longer aligned with built-in R error messages which have translations).

Bug Fixes

  • parse_env_subset(x[1, names]) on a listenv x matrix would throw error Error in if (any(i < 0)) { : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed if one of the elements in names specifies a non-existing column name.

  • parse_env_subset(x[]) on a listenv x would throw an error on Invalid subset: x[].

  • parse_env_subset(x[names]) on a listenv x would throw an error on length(x) = 2 > 1 in coercion to logical(1) when length(names) > 1 and _R_CHECK_LENGTH_1_LOGIC2_=true.

  • parse_env_subset(x[1,idxs]) on a listenv x would throw an error on length(x) = 2 > 1 in coercion to logical(1) with length(idxs) > 1 and _R_CHECK_LENGTH_1_LOGIC2_=true.

  • parse_env_subset(x[[names]]) on a regular environment x with length(names) > 1 would not throw an error, whereas x[[names]] would.

  • parse_env_subset(x[[1]]) on a regular environment x would not throw an error, whereas x[[1]] would.

New Features

  • Now it is possible to set the dimension on an empty list environment without first resizing it with length(), e.g. x <- listenv(); dim(x) <- c(2, 3).

  • Now it is possible to remove multiple elements by assigning NULL, e.g. x[c(2:3, 10)] <- NULL and x[, "B"] <- NULL.

  • Added lengths() for list environments. Requires R (>= 3.3.0).

  • dim_na(x) <- dims, where dims contain exactly one missing value, will set the “missing” dimension based on the length of x and the other dimensions specified, e.g. with length(x) == 6, dim_na(x) <- c(2, NA) will set dim(x) <- c(2, 3). This works for all types of object to which dimensions can be assigned - not only list environments.

  • Added is.matrix(), is.array(), as.vector(), and as.matrix() for list environments.

Bug Fixes

  • print() on a named, empty list environment would output an empty string.

  • Removing an element from a list environment did not remove dimensions, e.g. x$a <- NULL.

Deprecated and Defunct

  • Function map() has been renamed to mapping() and same for the corresponding replacement function. The map() and map<-() functions will soon be deprecated and eventually defunct.

  • x <- listenv(length = n) is defunct; use x <- listenv(); length(x) <- n instead.

New Features

  • Added support for multi-dimensional subsetting of list environments just as for list.

Bug Fixes

  • parse_env_subset(x[[idx]]) for list environment x and index idx claimed x[[idx]] existed as long as idx in [1,length(x)], but it forgot to check if element really existed, which may not be true if x has been expanded.

New Features

  • Add support for assigning elements when creating list environment similarly how to lists work, e.g. x <- listenv(a = 1, b = 2).

  • length(x) <- n now expand/truncate a list environment.

  • Added unlist() and all.equal() for list environments.

Deprecated and Defunct

  • Deprecated x <- listenv(length = n); use x <- listenv(); length(x) <- n instead.

Bug Fixes

  • as.listenv(x) would drop NULL elements in x.

  • x[idxs], x[name] <- y, and x$<name> <- y would introduce NA names for non-named list environments.

New Features

  • Added as.listenv().

  • CONSISTENCY: Assigning NULL now removes element just as lists, e.g. x$a <- NULL. To assign value NULL, do x['a'] <- list(NULL).

  • Added support for subsetting with [(), which returns another list environment, e.g. x[2:3], x[-1], and x[c(TRUE, FALSE)].

  • Added [<- assignment, e.g. x['a'] <- 1 and x[2:3] <- c(3,8).

  • CLEANUP: Dropped stray debug code.

Code Refactorization

  • Package no longer depends on other packages.

New Features

New Features

  • print() on listenv handles empty and no-named listenv:s better.

New Features

  • Now listenv(length = ...) always allocates internal variables.

New Features

Signficant Changes

  • Moved list environments from an in-house package to its own package.

New Features

Code Refactorization

  • Using tempvar() of R.utils.
  • Created.